Gåva ([gaw-vah] n gift)

The art of Scandi gifting

Thoughtful gifts that show you care

A Gåva ([gaw-vah] n gift) can be valuable without being expensive - as long as it’s chosen with care and beautifully presented. Trust the Scandis to take everything back to design, hey? But it works. Even the simplest homemade treat feels like a luxury gift when it’s wrapped up beautifully.

Easter Äggs & Christmas Baubles by Gåva are reusable and you fill them with what you like. These unique gifts in Swedish designs are the perfect gift!

Enjoy your Gåva gifts!

Gåva ([gaw-vah] n gift)

The art of Scandi gifting

What is a Swedish Easter Ägg?

Just like Christmas stockings, elaborately painted Easter Äggs are brought out and refilled year after year. 

In a typical Swedish household, every family member (including the dog!) has their own Ägg, in addition to communal Äggs dotted strategically around the house, close to comfortable chairs where someone might want to sit down and tuck into something sweet. 

But Easter Äggs, unlike their British counterparts, aren’t all about chocolate. They’re designed to hold all sorts of surprises, from jewellery and makeup to baked treats and homemade chocolates - even holidays (if you’ve got a voucher).

Limited Edition Gin & Tonic Ägg

Who deserves one?

Corporate gifting

Eco-friendly gifts

By Christmas and Easter your customers, suppliers and teams will be long overdue for a treat. So, if you’d like to use our Christmas Baubles and Easter Äggs to show you care, we promise to go out of our way to create thoughtful gifts for the people that matter most to your business.